Nelson Bland likes them shackled (Labour25)

Labour Party Teacher & Councillor Nelson Bland pleads guilty to Child Pornography pictures of a child in shackles.

 Labour Party Paedophile Councillor and IT School Teacher Nelson Bland
pleaded guilty to having child pornography images downloaded from the
internet. Some of the Images were of a child in shackles being abused by
a paedophile.

The images were found by police after a raid at Labour25 listed Nelson
Blands home during an investigation into the murder of the Ex-husband of
Labour25’s Nelson Blands Lover who was brutaly stabbed to death in a  hotel room. Nelson Bland’s lover was found guilty of the murder by stabbing her husband to death.

Nelson Bland hid the horrific images of abused children on his young daughters computer, putting her at risk before himself. Labour25 paedophile Councillor Nelson Bland saught a job near children.. If you read all the stories on the Labour Party Paedophiles on this website you will find a pattern… Labour party paedophiles are attracted to jobs in Schools or social care for children. this is why once again this website stresses…

NO LABOUR COUNCILLORS or MP’s or Activist members should be allowed to work near children.

Labour25 paedophile Councillor Nelson Bland worked as a Teacher at Denefield School in Tilehurst. He was a Labour Party Paedophile Councillor for the Bulmurshe ward of Wokingham District Council in Berkshire. After Nelson Blands arrest he moved to Nottingham. The magistrate at the trial of the Labour25 Paedophile said  ”you only got away with going to jail because you admitted that you had downloaded images of children being abused.”

The Labour Party Paedophile Councillor & School Teacher  Nelson Bland was put on a sex offenders retraing programme. Magistrate Rod Bailey said ”You will sign the sex offenders register for 5 years”

Another useless Judge. It looks like Harriett Harman will be pleased with her stealth watering down of child porn laws.. The Paedophile Labour Party have got their own way now… Child porn laws are being watered down… by friends in high places once again, you get caught, you get let off.

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This entry was posted in Communist, Dr Kinsey, Harriet Harman, Labour 25, Labour Party, Labour25, Liberty, Mothers against Paedophiles, Peadophile Ring, Searchlight, Socialist Worker Party, The Paedophile Information Exchange, TUC, UAF, Unite Union and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Nelson Bland likes them shackled (Labour25)

  1. Lola Twinkle says:

    This is what is called a hate site and I’ll explain why: You have only targeted Labour party members and not those of any other party.Paedophiles do not have a set political affiliation.They come from all four corners of the political compass, all classes,all races,ages & religions. Certainly not all present or past members of the Labour party are child abusers, and not are the members of any other party, so it’s safe to say that future members will not be either. I wonder what it is you have against the LP…Is it all left wing political groups??By all means expose paedophile child abusers…I believe in blowing the lid of child abuse, but don’t use it for fallacious political statements.

    • labour25 says:

      Regular reader contact has made it necessary to define explicitly why this site confines its attack to the Labour Party. Conventional ‘wisdom’ tells the voting public that there is a political spectrum ranging from ‘right’ to ‘left’. However, the stark reality is that regardless of party moniker Labour, Conservative, Green, Liberal, UKIP, BNP, English Democrats etc…it practices Cultural Marxism (political correctness) an ideology of the left confining public choice to the left (Marxism). This site conceives that the notion of the one party state instituted by the adoption of cultural Marxism may be difficult for the public to understand and accept. Therefore, it concentrates its attack on the known Party of the left opening the public’s eyes to the fact that it is the lefts corrupting influence that introduced Paedophilia into our society. –

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